NHL Positivity Index

Current Dashboard Note: This particular dashboard only considers fan sentiment regarding the 2024 NHL Draft. It was constructed by analyzing comments on posts with players drafted or draft relevant words in the title of posts on each team’s subreddit. We only considered posts one day before the draft on June 27th, 2024 to July 4th a week after the draft concluded.

We were inspired by the engaging and insightful “Panic Index” series by YouTuber Shannon Skanes, also known as the Hockey Guy, where he ranks NHL teams based on their perceived level of panic at key moments throughout the season. Intrigued by this unique perspective on team performance, we wondered: Could we quantify the underlying sentiment of NHL fanbases in a similar vein? Thus, the NHL Positivity Index was born. Our project aims to quantitatively assess how positive or negative an NHL fanbase feels over a given period using artificial intelligence techniques. Specifically, we leverage an AI technique called natural language processing and sentiment analysis to analyze fan discussions. By dissecting the tone and mood from Reddit, we seek to provide a comprehensive measure of fanbase sentiment.

The Team

The NHL Positivity Index was created by the Undergraduate Artificial Intelligence Society at the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. The team consisted of:

We would like to extend a gracious thank you to the Student Innovation Centre at the University of Alberta for providing the team a place to work every week. Also, we would like to thank Taran Purewal for keeping the team organized.

The Data

The data is collected from Reddit. We extract comments from each NHL team’s subreddit. In particular, we extracted comments from the game day, pre-game, and post-game threads or threads of similar nature in each team’s subreddit. We did this to try and ensure that we have similar data from every team in the NHL. We also felt that posts under the pre-, post-, and game-day threads were the most authentic way to gauge general fan sentiment. Most threads are posted by the user u/HockeyMod. For teams that don’t have the game threads posted by u/HockeyMod, there were other ways to extract the game threads. For example, teams like the Edmonton Oilers or the Boston Bruins use flairs to mark the posts, teams like the Winnipeg Jets or the Tampa Bay Lightning use a standardized title and teams like the Anaheim Ducks or the Detroit Redwings have a designated user that posts the threads, such as user u/dahooddawg for the Anaheim Ducks and user u/OctoMod for the Detroit Red Wings. To extract the comments we used PRAW, Python’s Reddit API Wrapper.

Creation of a Training & Testing Dataset

With the hopes of improving the accuracy of cardiffnlp/twitter-roberta-base-sentiment-latest. We manually labelled a random sample of 6168 comments from December 1st, 2023 to December 15th, 2023 from all NHL team’s subreddits. Once those comments were labelled we verified the answers with disagreements with cardiffnlp’s, twitter-roberta-base-sentiment-latest model and with other members of the team. We split the 6168 comments into a training and testing set with 5168 and 1000 comments respectively. If you want to use the full set of labelled comments in your own models you can find the entire dataset here.

Fine-tuning the Model

With the help of Hugging Face’s PEFT: Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning library we were able to effectively fine-tune cardiffnlp/twitter-roberta-base-sentiment-latest. We further fine-tuned the RoBERTa-base model that was trained on ~124M tweets from January 2018 to December 2021 and was fine-tuned on sentiment analysis, in order to better fit our specific task of classifying hockey related comments. After fine-tuning, our Adapter model for cardiffnlp/twitter-roberta-base-sentiment-latest, Chelberta achieved an accuracy score of 81.2% improving from the base model of 79.2% on our testing dataset mentioned above. The confusion matrix for our model, Chelberta, can be found below.

Data Labelling Process

For the data used in the dashboard, we first collect all the comments in relevant threads during two weeks for each NHL team and write them in a .json file. then we run the file through our model, Chelberta, to get the label and the score for each comment. The labels for each comment are either positive, neutral, or negative. The score is the number of upvotes for each comment. We then plug each labelled comment into our positivity score formula which can be seen below.

Positivity Score

The positivity score for team j, PS(Tj)PS(T_{j}), is defined as:

PS(Tj)=1nji=1njL(xij)(max(S(xij),0)+1)PS(T_j) = \frac{1}{n_j} \sum_{i=1}^{n_j} L(x_{ij}) \cdot (\max(S(x_{ij}), 0) + 1)


The sentiment label mapping, L(xij)L(x_{ij}), is defined as a piecewise function:

L(xij)={1if xij is positive,0.25if xij is neutral,1if xij is negative.L(x_{ij}) = \begin{cases} 1 & \text{if } x_{ij} \text{ is positive}, \\ 0.25 & \text{if } x_{ij} \text{ is neutral}, \\ -1 & \text{if } x_{ij} \text{ is negative}. \end{cases}

We added + 1 to every score to avoid multiplying by 0. We also took the average positivity score so we can compare positivity scores from different periods. We are mapping 0.25 for neutral comments so we still include neutral comments and to balance the distribution of negative and positive comments. If the score of a comment is negative, we set the score to 1 since it is like only 1 person agrees with that comment.

Evaluation of different models

We tested seven pre-trained NLP models from Hugging Face. For evaluating the different models, each team member manually labelled a dataset with 1000 comments and compared the model’s predictions against our labels. Each model was tested with the NHL-SentiComments-1K-TEST dataset. From this analysis, we selected the cardiffnlp/twitter-roberta-base-sentiment-latest model due to its strong performance. Below you can see the performance of each model:

We tested the following 7 models:

matrix1 Figure 1.1: A confusion matrix of the cardiffnlp/twitter-roberta-base-sentiment-latest model’s predicted labels against our labels. The model obtained an accuracy score of 79.2%.

matrix2 Figure 1.2: A confusion matrix of the Distilbert-base-uncased-finetuned-sst-2-english model’s predicted labels against our labels. The model obtained an accuracy score of 59.4%.

matrix3 Figure 1.3: A confusion matrix of the lxyuan/distilbert-base-multilingual-cased-sentiments-student model’s predicted labels against our labels. The model obtained an accuracy score of 56.8%.

matrix4 Figure 1.4: A confusion matrix of the cardiffnlp/twitter-xlm-roberta-base-sentiment model’s predicted labels against our labels. The model obtained an accuracy score of 69.8%.

matrix5 Figure 1.5: A confusion matrix of the mrm8488/distilroberta-finetuned-financial-news-sentiment-analysis model’s predicted labels against our labels. The model obtained an accuracy score of 37.0%.

matrix6 Figure 1.6: A confusion matrix of the ProsusAI/finbert model’s predicted labels against our labels. The model obtained an accuracy score of 37.5%.

matrix7 Figure 1.7: A confusion matrix of the finiteautomata/bertweet-base-sentiment-analysis model’s predicted labels against our labels. The model obtained an accuracy score of 70.3%.

matrix8 Figure 1.8: A confusion matrix of the UAlbertaUAIS/Chelberta model’s predicted labels against our labels. The model obtained an accuracy score of 81.2%. A fine-tuned model of cardiffnlp/twitter-roberta-base-sentiment-latest.

Future Work

Some examples of future work can include extending this project to future sports. Additionally, there can be further improvements to our current project such as improving the sentiment analysis model or incorporating more aspects of an NHL team’s subreddit. One aspect that we are actively working on is a time series plot for each NHL team displaying the changes to their positivity score overtime.


Skanes, S. [The Hockey Guy]. (n.d.). Panic Index [Playlist]. YouTube. Retrieved February 25, 2024, from https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4KmQCGTJmgz9urZusFDiGC9Bzh2S67gM

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Hugging Face. (n.d.). PEFT documentation. Hugging Face Docs. https://huggingface.co/docs/peft/en/index


The codebase for the NHL Positivity index can be found here